
Interested in Sponsoring Pride? Email Marshallmnpride@gmail.com for more information on our sponsorship levels and benefits!

Rainbow Star Tier ($1,000+)

Advocate Tier ($500+)

Wyatt-Yerka Family

Yerka Psycological Consultant

Ally Tier ($250+)

Supporter Tier ($100+)

As a mother and as an educator there are 2 things that I feel every child and every human deserve. Those 2 things are to feel loved and to feel safe. What pride means to me is that every person no matter their sex, gender, sexual orientation, race or any identity-is able to be FREE.  They are free to be exactly who they are and show up in this world authentically THEMSELVES.  When my daughter came out to me I felt nothing but love and joy because I knew that meant that she felt proud and she felt safe and she felt loved.  I admire her generation because they are so resilient and understanding of basic human rights. I will continue to stand beside her  As we continue to fight for equality in this country. I truly believe that they have the power to change the world for the better. As human beings We have to take care of one another and respect one another as we pursue our own happiness and purpose. And it's just that simple. My hope is that everyone who is a part of the pride community can boldly be themselves and that communities and society continue to make space for every human being that is fighting for equality to just exist freely in this world. Spread Love. 

Jesmine Rattler | Mother, educator